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Why Sustainability is important?


It is foundational but really important question for Sustainaiblity Target, Governance. We can see Sustainability arises as main trend all around the world. Through this column, I would like to check on Sustainability.

1. Why Sustainability is important?

   - Sustainaiblity makes planet healthier & more Sustainable 

   - Thriving Economy

   - Get rid of Risk from Climate Change


This time, we will see what is our main Sustainability target for healthier planet.

What we normally know on Sustainability Target is to reduce GHG emission, especially CO2 reduction. CO2 emission can incur Global warming, Sea level rise, Extreme weather events, Ocean Acidification etc. While CO2 is the dominant GHG emitted by human activities, addressing other components is crucial for a comprehensive approach to sustainability and combating climate change. Each gas has a unique impact on the environment, and addressing all of them is necessary for achieving long-term environmental and societal well-being. 

* Green House Gas : Carbon Dioxide, Methane (CH4), Nitrous Oxide (N20), Fluorinated Gases (F-gases), Black Carbon etc.


- Global CO2 emission commensurate to industrial revolution. / Syed Najeeb Ali Kazmi

Through graph above, we can see dramatic increase of CO2 emission since 1900s caaused by human being's activity. This is reason why we should reduce CO2 emission for Sustainable Planet.
